The most significant finding that can come out of measuring your training impact, and one that is trending now in some of the most forward-thinking organizations, is identifying your most powerful post-training climates – those that can literally
“make” or “break” the impact of training.
I call these post-training
environments “transfer climates” because they represent all the factors that
can either help or hinder the “transfer” of learning from the training
experience back to the job. If we make
the climate suitable for learning transfer, the training sticks and ultimately
yields high returns. If the climate is
not suitable for learning transfer, the training impact dies there and all your
time and resources are wasted. Once you
understand these factors and make your climates more amenable to training
transfer, you’ll get more ROI from any program you run. See my article and read more in this month's issue of Training Industry Quarterly...
Training Industry Quarterly
Training Industry Quarterly